An act of violence dramatically transforms  forever the lives of four young men who must choose between revenge or mercy.




The film explores the lives of Jamal, Gage, Pepe and JJ. When Pepe acquires a gun from local gangster Mr. M, the trajectory of their lives take a dramatic turn. Gage and his friends get drunk and decide to go to a party. On the way there, going through a local park, they notice Jamal and his family celebrating his brother’s birthday.

Pepe, showing off his gun, decides to shoot at Jamal’s family as a prank to scare them.  This act forces Gage to begin a journey of self- examination that leads to opposing violence, and provokes Jamal to begin a journey that leads him to discovering the power of forgiveness.



A beautifully shot film that’s authentic and has integrity. Authenticity is important as far as the look of the film.

Michael Flaherty

President and Co-Founder, Walden Media

This is a very powerful film. It is gripping, moving, and explores in-depth the scourge of youth violence, particularly in urban areas, and the forces that drive it. The message of growth and reconcilation comes through strongly at the end, leaving the viewer with a feeling of hope that violence can be harnessed to make this a more peaceful society. 

Alvin F. Poussaint, MD

Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Like local filmmaker Andrew Bujowski’s deservedly acclaimed FUNNY HA HA, FADE TO BLACK has the feel of lived in reality. The hand held camera and overlapping editing only add to the intensity of the dramatic and action scenes that are at the film’s core.

David Klieler

Local Sightings

FADE TO BLACK -The Trigger Effect


The Boston Herald

James Verniere

Film Critic

 From –James Verniere, of the Boston Herald in an email to bill.single@gmail.com

Mr. Singleton,

 Just a note to tell you how impressed I was by your and Mr. Bailey’s film “Fade to Black: the trigger effect.” as David Klieler says on your website, it has that lived in quality that gives it complete credibility.

But it also has something else. While I have some reservations about the screenplay, you tell the story amazingly well with the camera, and some of the performances are terrific. Filmmaking is in large part the art of telling a story with pictures, and you and your colleagues have a talent for visual storytelling that should be cultivated and will be rewarded. I don’t know what the next step is for someone like you. But you can be very proud indeed with what you have done on this budget, and I’d like to encourage you and your colleagues to continue to nurture your talent and allow it to grow.

 So many young filmmakers have the fancy degree, but they don’t have anything to say. You and your team have the skills and a passion that will inform and enrich any kind of film you make. I’d love to see you make a Boston-based romantic comedy, for example.

Good luck and thanks for the screener.



James Verniere

Michael Flaherty

President and Co-Founder, Walden Media

From: “Wildcard Pictures”

Subject: WILDsound Film Festival – FEEDBACK of your film



Took a hard look at this film. It’s got a lot of special things in it.

The main problem with this film is that it’s too BUSY. TOO busy in that it’s giving us too many storylines and plots. The filmmaking style doesn’t work either. Jump cuts, flashy camera angles. It’s too much.

“…That said, there are some genuine moments in this film. Amazing moments actually”.

To clarify that last point, storytelling is all about PLOT, THEME and CHARACTER. You’ve given us a story that’s important plus very universal and catchy. You’ve given us characters who are real human beings that most of us know.


I think this film could work online.



Alvin F. Poussaint, MD

Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School